Sunday, March 3, 2019

Carnivals at school!!

In Spain, the carnival season takes place in late February or early March, usually during the week leading up to Lent. Regions across Spain organize carnivals and fiestas, most involving music and dancing. Spaniards dress in colorful, traditional costumes and take to the streets to celebrate the season.

In Spain, carnival usually begins with a pregón, an opening speech by an important local person or a celebrity. After the speech, the days of street parades, costume contests, street theater, and general partying begin.

Carnival comes to an end with the Entierro de la Sardina tradition, celebrated the day before Lent begins. The Burial of the Sardine is a parody of a funeral in which a large figure of a sardine is set aflame and burned to symbolically mark the farewell to life’s pleasures and the sad arrival of Lent.

"El viaje a Itaca

Girls´ costumes performing Calypso.
Boys´ costumes performing Cyclops.